When we dont Own our stuff, we disempower ourselves. We are not in charge. We are not the CEO of our Life, the Author of our Story, the Artist of our Creation, the Master of our Universe Actually, we are but we are sleeping on the job If we did any other job this way, wed be fired.
PS4 Share Your Thoughts Successes in the comment box at the end! Take a moment now to share below any thoughts, comments, take away, tips, and successes! PLEASE post a comment now we grow in community! Thanks for connecting with the MetroRelationship? Family!
As with anything where we focus our attention energy goes, lets focus positively and have our energy flow. Lets remove roadblocks and energy sucks so that we can better invest them in creating our Best Self, Best Relationship and Best Life Well be tackling these in the coming weeks to embrace New Beginnings. So get ready!
Which brings me to the next piece of this. When we dont own our stuff, we love to own others specially our partners sarcasm. We love going into their circle and telling them who they are, what they think, how they feel, what their intentions are, what they should do, when they should brush their teeth and the rest of it.PS4 Share Your Thoughts Successes in the comment box at the end! Take a moment now to share below any thoughts, comments, take away, tips, and successes! PLEASE post a comment now we grow in community! Thanks for connecting with the MetroRelationship? Family!
And, then you wonder how come your partner controls or shuts down They are trying to survive you while they try to figure out their circle When a partner feels insecure and lacking connection, they control, nag, criticize, judge and the like. When a partner feels suffocated and inadequate, they shutdown, withdraw, dismiss, stonewall and the like. How are you contributing to what you are getting in your relationship?
Spring is almost here. Yay! Do you know what that means? It means its time to get ready for New Beginnings As everything in nature will slowly be coming back to life and starting anew, so can we. lol script
We can take this opportunity to come Alive, to engage more with our life, to create new beginnings, to reset, to recharge We can start anew in any area of our life we choose. The best way to start anew is with a good detox and spring clean!
Power Struggling Element3? Clarity powerful As if lives is not intriguing and specialized needed, some what are the results inside our Journey plus in our commitment is actually subconscious furthermore unconscious we have been reactive, collude additionally co-create your repeating patterns inside our lifestyle that do not provide us. Our Subconscious operates that the reveal with scripts, narratives, then belief systems all could be directly accessed plus reprogrammed in case desired. Our Unconscious comprises our emotional, physical and energetic constitute this will be much deeper development it cannot be that effortlessly accessed then again can nevertheless be reprogrammed.
Regardless of where you stand, take a step back and look at the big picture and its impact on your life philosophy Take a look at how you view the institutions in your life, how you promote them and the impact they have in your life, and the world at large.
There is such a large spectrum of how people are impacted by our historic circumstance, that I will not even attempt to address the whole spectrum. Please know that I know my audience, so my message is targeted to you, and not what is happening for everyone else Please read with that in mind, and dont worry about how it fits for others Deal?
This creates a real mess in relationships, and its the easiest way to not get along, fight, and not get needs met. This is not how we create a Successful Relationship. And, this is certainly not the way you become the master of your life. LOL.PS2 As always, we are here for you! If you need more support to creating your successful and meaningful life, we are here to help. Id be honored to speak with you about how we can help you. Schedule a Get Acquainted Call to connect, and discuss how we can help you and how to get started. Look forward to Connecting with you!
Make a list of everything that is coming up. Separate out things you would like to be different in your life that are in your Sphere-of-Influence in your Circle Dont list the weather sucks, your partner sucks, your boss sucks. LOL You have no control over them You can list that Youd prefer to live in warmer weather climate, youd like a different approach to Date Night with your partner, you dont love your job or employment situation. You see how you can take actions and influence the outcome to meet your needs when you address stuff from your Circle.
Ive gotten pretty darn good at this, where I can easily naturally create the highs and sustain them. Do I have tough days? Yes. Do I get upset, triggered, affected by life and all in it? Yes. But I do not let myself be taken or kept down, Im in charge of me. How are you with this? Dont feel bad if you havent mastered this yet, it does take practice. But know that it is possible for you as well!